Hello world! I have been super busy these past couple of months. I feel like my days are almost blending together, but in a good way! I am now leading a bible study/craft with my boyfriend for our Adopt A Block kids in Pride Park. I also started taking classes for Graphic Design to expand my knowledge and growth in my business. I am so blessed for all the support I have, and all the amazing things I have been experiencing on this journey. God is great.

I recently did another shoot for the Asolo Theater on their opening play, "Once in a Lifetime" starring some of their very own actors and actresses. I had the pleasure of Joshua Terranova assisting me. 



For those of you that don't know about Adopt a Block Outreach, its a type of ministry which goes out into the community serving low income neighborhoods. We build relationships through the love of Christ with simple acts of kindness like: cooking breakfast, picking up trash, helping with struggling needs, arts & crafts, games, and many other activities.  

The first time I experienced outreach it changed my life. The funny part about that is they say we are supposed to change lives, although I find it quite the opposite. It's amazing what two hours of your time can do; not only for others, but for yourself. 

Here's a couple of my photographs while being involved with Pride Park in Manatee County.

"Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free." Ephesians 6:7-8